The International Guide on Homeopathic Documentation Resources has been compiled using the data from the questionnaires completed by homeopathic libraries and documentation centres.
Whilst every effort has been made by the Documentation subcommittee to ensure accuracy of information, we cannot accept liability for omissions or inaccuracies. We would appreciate it if omissions, inaccuracies or new addresses could be reported back to us, so that we can compile another revised edition of this guide.
Since the size and facilities of each library/documentation centre vary considerably it is always advisable to check with individual persons or institutions when requesting information or documentation.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Homöopathische Medizin (ÖGHM)
Address: Billrothstraße 2/8, A-1190 Wien
Phone: +43 (1) 5267575
Fax: +43 (1) 5267575 4
Web site:
Contact person: Dr. Jutta Czedik-Eysenberg – Tel.: +43 (1) 888 51 34 20; Fax: +43 (1) 888 51 34 88
Financed by: ÖGHM
Target group: Physicians
Access library: Members of ÖGHM
Access fees: None
Borrowing: None – books may only be accessed in library
Access database:
Profile: Large stock of original historical homoeopathic publications beginning from Hahnemann (books & journals). At the moment collecting especially Materia Medica, practice of homoeopathy, current scientific reviews & important homoeopathic journals. Most volumes in German, with some in English, French and Dutch.
No. books: 1627
No. hom. books: 1627
No. hom. reports:
No. vol. hom. per.: 200
Database name: Microsoft Access
Database content: Book titles, authors, publisher
Database records:
Search options: Author, title, publishers
Indexing system:
Last update info: 04/2023
Address: Place du Hameau 43, B6031 Charleroi
Phone: +21 474 289676
Web site:
Contact person: Daniel Saelens
Financed by: Royal Belgian Society of Homeopathy
Target group: Everyone who is interested in homeopathy
Access library: By appointment with librarian
Access fees: None
Borrowing: None
Access database: Indirectly via librarian, directly via internet
Profile: 80% of homeopathic books, journals and archives, beginning with Hahnemann; many historical documents on homeopathy in Belgium.
No. hom. books: Currently being encoded
No. vol. hom. per.: Currently being encoded
Database name: Homeobel Library, from Collective Access program
Database content: Currently being encoded
Database records: Currently being encoded
Search options: Currently being encoded
Indexing system: Thesaurus of ‘Librarius’, created by Caroline Vandeschoor (HEEL)
Last update info: 07/2023
BOIRON Laboratoire pharmaceutique – Library
Address: 2 avenue de l’Ouest Lyonnais, 69510 Messimy
Phone: + 33 (0)4 72 16 40 69
Web site:
Contact person: Laurence Reynaud (pharmacist)
Financed by: Laboratoire Boiron
Target group: Company members
Access library: Limited to company members
Access fees: None
Borrowing: No
Access database: Not applicable, via librarian
Profile: Historical & current publications mainly on homeopathy. Most of the documents are in English or French
No. books: c 2,300
No. hom. books: c 1,800
No. hom. reports: c 100
No. vol. hom. per.: 3
Database name: OpenText, based on the Accord database system
Database content: Books, journals, articles
Database records: More than 12,000
Search options: Full text system or by author, title, key words, type of document, publication date
Indexing system: Self-built thesaurus
Last update info: 09/2024
Centre du Santé Saint-Jacques – Bibliothèque
Address: 37, rue des Volontaires, F-75015 Paris
Phone: +33 (1) 53 58 40 61
Web site:
Contact person: Dr. Olivier Rabanes, who will access the catalogue and check whether the requested book is available
Financed by: Association Hôpital Saint-Jacques
Target group: Homeopathic physicians, historians, students
Access library: Hospital director will unlock library door on request. Readers should first check the medical library and then, if the required text is unobtainable, ask St Jacques.
Access fees: None
Borrowing: No
Access database: Indirectly via librarian
Profile: Books in French, English, German, Italian and Spanish
No. books: 3,000
No. hom. books: 1,500
No. hom. reports: 100
No. vol. hom. per.: 1,000
Database name: Microsoft Word
Database content: Books & periodicals, in alphabetical order
Database records:
Search options: By name
Indexing system: None
Last update info: 04/2024
Université Lyon 1, BU Santé Rockefeller
Address: 8, avenue Rockefeller, F-69373 Lyon cedex 08
Phone: +33 (4) 78 77 71 90
Email: for document delivery
Web site:
Contact person: through website
Financed by:
Target group:
Access library: Mondays to Fridays 8 am–10 pm, Saturdays 9 am–10 pm, Sundays 10am–10pm
Access fees:
Access database:
Profile: The “Fonds Gallavardin”: 1,000 works collected by Dr Jean-Pierre Gallavardin (1825-1897), i.e. 950 old books and 40 journals on homeopathy, very important for 19th C homeopathy. Part of the collection belonged originally to Dr Sébastien Des Guidi. Most of the titles are in French.
Available online:
No. books:
No. hom. books:
No. hom. reports:
No. vol. hom. per.:
Database name:
Database content:
Database records:
Search options:
Indexing system:
Last update info: 04/2023
Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de Santé, pôle médicine-odontologie – Université Paris Cité
Address: 12, rue de l’Ecole de Médecine, F-75006 Paris
Phone: +33 (1) 76 53 19 69
Email: None – use online “Ask A Question” service
Web site:
Contact person:
Financed by:
Target group:
Access library: Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 8 pm – closed Sunday
Access fees:
Access database:
Profile: The old collection also contains books in connection with homeopathy
No. books:
No. hom. books:
No. hom. reports:
No. vol. hom. per.:
Database name:
Database content:
Database records:
Search options:
Indexing system:
Last update info: 05/2024
Constantin Hering Stiftung / Constantin Hering Foundation for Homeopathic Medicine
Address: Pfarrstr.1, 91365 Weilersbach & Schießplatzstr. 38A, 90469 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 (0)9191 625 303 / 0152 216 38008
Web site:
Contact person: Ilka Sommer
Funded by: Constantin Hering Stiftung / Constantin Hering Foundation for Homeopathic Medicine
Target group: Homeopathic practitioners, students, scientists, historians
Access library: By appointment with librarian
Access fees: None
Borrowing: Borrowing of documents not possible
Access database: Indirectly via librarian
Profile: Mainly publications on homeopathic medicine, historical publications, most volumes in German, but some also in English
No. books: 2,000 (bound journals included)
No. hom. books incl. journals and periodicals: 2,072
No. hom. reports: None
No. vol. hom. per.: 60 German and 12 English journal titles
Database name: Excel
Database content: Books, journals
Database records: 2,100
Search options: Author, title, year of publication, publisher
Indexing system: None
Last update info: 05/2024
Deutsche Homöopathie Union – Information services & Library
Address: Ottostraße 24, D-76227 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 (721) 4093 0
Fax: +49 (721) 4093 8240
Web site:
Contact person: Evi Hartmann (Librarian) – +49 (721) 4093 240
Funded by: DHU-Arzneimittel Gmbh & Co. KG
Target group: Physicians, homeopathic practitioners, vets, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, students
Access library: Anyone
Access fees: None
Borrowing: No
Access database: Indirectly via documentalist
Profile: Historical & current publications mainly on homoeopathy, alternative medicine, general medicine.
Most of the volumes are in German, English & French.
No. books: 11,000
No. hom. books: 5,000
No. hom. reports: 400
No. vol. hom. per.: 5,000
Database name: LITE, based on the TRIP database system.
Database content: Journal articles, full text documents, book references
Database records: 89,000
Search options: Full text system
Indexing system: Self-built homeopathic thesaurus completed with MESH
Last update info: 04/2022
Europäische Bibliothek für Homöopathie
Address: Wallstrasse 48, D-06366 Köthen
Phone: +49 (0) 3496 512 893
Fax: +49 (0) 3496 512 894
Email: /
Web site:,
Contact person: Cornelia Sachtler (Librarian)
Funded by: Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Homöopathie
Target group: Homeopathic practitioners, students, historians
Access library: Everyone
Access fees: None
Borrowing: Yes
Access database: webopac
Profile: Homeopathic and complementary medicine, historic homoeopathy archive; most volumes in German, but also English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and many more languages.
No. books: 6,000 (bound journals included)
No. hom. books: 5,000
No. hom. reports: 40
No. vol. hom. per.: 7 current journal titles
Database name: Bibliotheca plus, GBV
Database content: Books, periodicals, articles
Database records: 11,000, 1650 (GBV)
Search options: Author, title, publication, year
Indexing system: None
Last update info: 06/2024
Institut für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung
Address: Straussweg 17, D-70184 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 (711) 460 84 171 and +49 (711) 460 84 172
Fax: +49 (711) 460 84 181
Web site:
Contact person: Beate Schleh – +49 (711) 460 84 174
Funded by: Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH
Target group: Homeopathic practitioners, physicians, veterinarians, dentists, historians, pharmaceutical industry, scientists, students
Access library: Anyone
Access fees: None
Borrowing: Yes
Access database: WebOPAC, accessible via Institute’s web page
Profile: Homeopathic and complementary medicine, historic homoeopathy archive; most volumes in German, but also English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and many more languages.
No. books: 60,000
No. hom. books: 8,500
No. hom. reports: Included in the above number
No. vol. hom. per.: 4,300 (39 current homeopathic periodicals)
Database name: Alephino (ExLibris)
Database content: 54,500 books; 12,300 journal volumes; 5,000 journal articles
Database records: 79,000, of which 22,100 concerning homeopathy
Search options: Author, title, key words, classification code, journal name or series title, year of publication. Search options can be combined, truncation possibilities.
Indexing system: Self-built indexing list & thesaurus
Last update info: 04/2022
Krankenhaus für Naturheilwesen
Address: Seybothstrasse 65, D-81545 München
Country: Germany
Phone: +49 (89) 625050
Fax: +49 (89) 62505 430 and +49 (89) 62505 460
Web site:
Contact person: Edith Rötzer, librarian
Funded by: Krankenhaus für Naturheilweisen
Target group: Physicians, students
Access library: By appointment, Mondays 8am – 4pm
Access fees: None
Borrowing: Possible for members of the hospital
Access database: Indirectly via librarian (from 2018 on accessible via hospital’s web page)
Profile: Library with mainly publications on homoeopathy, but also on naturopathy and regular medicine
No. books: 3,591
No. hom. books: 1,665
No. hom. reports:
No. vol. hom. per.: 928
Database name: Library online
Database content: Journals, book titles
Database records: 5,500 (journals, book titles)
Search options: Author, title, year of publication, publisher, book number etc
Indexing system: None
Last update info: 11/2022
Pharmazeutische Fabrik Dr. Reckeweg GmbH – Library
Address: Berliner Ring 22, 64625 Bensheim
Phone: +49 (6251) 1097 0
Fax: +49 (6251) 3342
Web site:
Contact person: Ute Bertram – +49 (6251) 1097-271
Funded by: Pharmazeutische Fabrik Dr. Reckeweg GmbH
Target group: Company members
Access library: Limited to company members
Access fees: None
Borrowing: No
Access database: Not applicable, via librarian
Profile: Books and journals concerning homeopathy
No. books: ca. 2,010
No. hom. books: ca. 550
No. hom. reports: None
No. vol. hom. per.: ca. 5
Database name: BibliothecaPlus
Database content: Books, journal articles and journals
Database records: ca. 18,452
Search options: Author, title, key words, book number, publication year, subject, media type
Indexing system: None
Last update info: 04/2022
Specialist Library for Complementary Medicine, Witten / Herdecke University
Address: Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50, D – 58455 Witten
Phone: +49 2302 / 926-834
Fax: +49 (0)2302 / 926-831
Web site:
Contact person: Dr. Christa Raak
Funded by: The following foundations were involved: German Research Foundation (DFG), Software AG Stiftung, Weleda AG, Treuhand-Stiftung, Mahle-Stiftung, Iona-Stichting, Helixor-Stiftung, Gerhard-Kienle-Stiftung, Förderstiftung Anthroposoph, Medizin, Evidenz-Stiftung, Dr. Hauschka-Stiftung and Witten/Herdecke University
Target group: Scientists, physicians, students, health care professionals, health practioners, caregivers
Access library: via interlibrary loan enquiry to Mrs Daniela Hacke, MA
Access fees: Yes
Borrowing: Yes
Book research:
Access database:
Profile: Anthroposophical medicine, Homeopathy, Complementary and Alternative medicine
No. books: 2535
No. hom. books: 483
No. hom. reports: None
No. vol. hom. per.: None
Bibliographic Database CAMbase:
Database content: Journal titles, book titles, abstracts
Database records: >113.000
Search options: Full text, key word, author, year, title, truncation possibilities, expert search
Indexing system: Self-built key word indexing list. Books: cataloging according to the rules for the alphabetical cataloging in scientific libraries RAK – WB (Rules for the alphabetical cataloging in academic libraries) and National Library of Medicine Classification.
Last update info: 30.04.2024
Hellenic Homoeopathic Medical Society
Address: 10 Makedonias Street, Athens 10433
Phone: +30 (1) 210 823 7771
Fax: +30 (1) 210 823 7771
Web site:
Contact person: Viveta Lentza – +30 (1) 680 7060 or (1) 805 3462
Financed by: Members
Target group: Physicians, vets, dentists, pharmacists, students
Access library: Anyone
Access fees: None
Borrowing: Not at the moment
Access database: Indirectly via secretary
Profile: Homoeopathic books. Plans for a few conventional medical books, such as reference works, homoeopathic pharmacology and other alternative therapies.
No. books: 123
No. hom. books: 123
No. hom. reports: None
No. vol. hom. per.: None at the moment
Database name: Access 2.0
Database content:
Database records:
Search options: Author, title, type of book (e.g. Materia Medica, repertory etc.)
Indexing system:
Last update info: 2021
Associazione Lycopodium (Homoeopathia Europea)
Address: Via P. Villari, 14 Firenze, Italy
Phone: +39 88924495; mob (E Rossi): +39 3316671248
Web site:
Contact person: Paola Lippi, Elio Rossi
Financed by: Associated members
Target group: Physicians, veterinary doctors, pharmacists
Access library: Yes
Access fees: None
Borrowing: Yes
Access database: No
No. Books: 117
No. hom. books: 110
No. hom. reports: None
No. vol. hom. per.: 15 journal titles
Database name: None
Database content: No
Database records: No
Search options: No
Indexing system:
Last update info: 02/2020
Carlo Cenerelli (private library)
Address: Via Monterosa 51, I-20149 Milano
Phone: +39 338 7058978 (mobile)
Web site:
Contact person: Dr. Carlo Cenerelli
Financed by:
Target group:
Access library: Anyone
Access fees: None
Borrowing: No
Access database:
No. books: ca. 100
No. hom. books: to be updated
No. hom. reports: to be updated
No. vol. hom. per.: to be updated
Database name:
Database content:
Database records:
Search options:
Indexing system:
Last update info: 11/2019
Libera Università Internazionale di Medicina Omeopatica – LUIMO
Address: Viale A. Gramsci 18, I-80122 Napoli
Phone: +39 (81) 7614707
Fax: +39 (81) 7613665
Web site:
Contact person: Dr. Daniela Bolignano (responsible for library)
Financed by: LUIMO
Target group: Physicians, medicine students, patients
Access library: From Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 14:00
Access fees: None
Borrowing: No
Access database:
Profile: The LUIMO association has an officially recognized Public Free Library, which is in the catalogue of the Italian Public Libraries. The list of publications can be accessed via the website. The library has more than 2,500 books in Italian, French, English, Spanish, German and Portuguese. Includes 408 audiovisual materials.
No. books: 2,516
No. hom. books:
No. hom. reports: 31
No. vol. hom. per.: 81 journals
Database name:
Database content:
Database records:
Search options:
Indexing system:
Last update info: 03/2022
Museo dell’ Omeopatia (MUOM) (Museum of Homeopathy)
Address: Piazza Navona 49, I-00186 Roma
Phone: +39 338 7009947
Web site:
Contact person: Francesco Eugenio Negro, MD
Financed by: Fondazione Negro per l’ Omeopatia Onlus
Target group:
Access library: Free
Access fees: None
Borrowing: No
Access database: None
No. books: 8000
No. hom. books: 5000
No. hom. reports:
No. vol. hom. per.:
Database name:
Database content:
Database records:
Search options:
Indexing system:
Last update info: 12/2023
University of Utrecht – Bibliotheek
Address: Heidelberglaan 3, NL – 3584 CS Utrecht
Phone: +31 (30) 2536612
Fax: +31 (30) 2538398
Web site:
Contact person: Dr. H. Stuut, Groenekanseweg 172, NL – 3737 AK Groenekan, +31 (346) 214152
Financed by: University Library of Utrecht
Target group: Anyone (physicians, students & lay people)
Access library: Anyone
Access fees: Free for students and staff members of the university and other affiliated institutions (universities…). All other library users have to pay an annual fee of 25 EUR for annual pass.
Borrowing: Yes
Access database: Directly through the internet
No. books: > 1,000,000
No. hom. books: > 3,900 books, 100 old and new journals
No. hom. reports: 200
No. vol. hom. per.:
Database name: World Cat
Database content:
Database records: A separate list of the collection is available as an Excel spreadsheet from the contact person
Search options: Author, title, extra search term “homeopathy”
Indexing system: Every title has several key words. When complete, the system can be accessed via the internet (separately from the university database.)
Last update info: 11/2022
Norsk Homøopatisk Pasientforening (NHPF – a patient association)
Address: Postbox 412, N-7004 Trondheim
Phone: +47 / 48 36 92 19
Web site:
Contact person: +47 / 48 36 92 19
Financed by:
Target group: Physicians, homeopathic practitioners, vets, dentists, patients and general public, members of NHPF
Access library:
Access fees: None
Borrowing: Yes
Access database:
Profile: Only a few books & some journals (English, American, Indian, Swedish & Norwegian). Some old Norwegian books (since 1890) & books in German & English received from practising homoeopaths. These are not catalogued or indexed. The Norwegian books & journal are catalogued, resp. indexed by the Norwegian official library. This information can be searched by author, title and date of publication.
No. books:
No. hom. books:
No. hom. reports:
No. vol. hom. per.:
Database name:
Database content:
Database records:
Search options:
Indexing system:
Last update info: 01/2024
Academia Médico Homeopática de Barcelona
Address: C. Aragon 186, 2°, 1– 08011 Barcelona, Spain
Phone: +34 (93) 323 48 36
Web site:
Contact person: Joan Vidal (Library Manager and Board Member), Neus Marin (Secretary),
Financed by: Membership fees
Target group: Physicians, vets, pharmacists
Access library: Members only
Access fees: None
Borrowing: Yes
Access database: Membership-restricted web area
Profile: Library with mainly historical publications from 1855, mostly in Spanish & English. Also homoeopathic journals.
No. books: 723
No. hom. books:
No. hom. reports:
No. vol. hom. per.: 200
Database name: myskl (Word Press CMS:
Database content: Book titles
Database records: 723
Search options: Title, author, theme, type of support
Indexing system: Controlled key word list
Last update info: 11/2022
Federación Española de Médicos Homeópatas (FEMH)
Address: Av. Joan March Ordinas 8, 5-1, E – 07004 Ciutata de Mallorca (Balears), Spain
Phone: +34 (971) 20 65 66
Fax: +34 (971) 51 17 86
Web site:
Contact person: Dr. Isidre Lara
Financed by: Fellow members
Target group: Physicians
Access library: Especially for FEMH-members, but extendable to other homoeopathic physicians & researchers
Access fees: Charge for photocopying and postage
Borrowing: No (photocopies can be bought)
Access database: Indirectly via librarian
Profile: Recovery of the old library of the homoeopathic Hospital of San José in Madrid:
– Mainly books from the 19th century (1821-1870)
– Mostly homoeopathic books, but also medical books & generic books
– Most volumes in Spanish, but also English & French
– Also old reviews of homoeopathy, medicine & other disciplines, from 1843-1935
No. books: 440 codified
No. hom. books: 250
No. hom. reports:
No. vol. hom. per.:
Database name: DBase III, WordPerfect
Database content: Book titles with author, translator, edition, comment; journal titles; articles of 3 main journals
Database records:
Search options:
Indexing system:
Last update info: 05/2017
Fundación Instituto Homeopático y Hospital de San Jose
Address: The library is located in provisional premises in Madrid, Spain
Phone: +34 627887460
Contact person: Félix Antón Cortés
Financed by: Fundación Instituto Homeopático y Hospital San José
Target group: Historians and researchers
Access library: Limited to researchers, by appointment with librarian
Access fees: None
Borrowing: No
Access database: No
Profile: The Instituto Homeopático y Hospital San José was founded in 1878 by Dr José Núñez Pernía, Marquis of Núñez. The most important building, the homoeopathic hospital, was sponsored by the Hahnemann Foundation of Madrid (founded in 1845) and is listed as a culturally important monument, now completely restored and rehabilitated. This eminent historic library includes 18th and 19th century volumes.
No. books: ca 3,000
No. hom. books: ca 2,500
No. hom. reports:
No. vol. hom. per:
Database name:
Database content:
Database records:
Search options:
Indexing system:
Last update info: 12/2023
Fondation Pierre Schmidt (Library of Dr. Pierre Schmidt)
Address: Waldgutstraße 7, CH-9010 St. Gallen
Phone: +41 (71) 23 21 11
Fax: +41 (71) 23 32 92
Web site:
Contact person: Dr. Hansjörg Hee
Financed by: Fondation Pierre Schmidt
Target group: Homeopathic physicians
Access library: Homeopaths
Access fees: No
Borrowing: No
Access database:
Profile: Many rare first editions with personal handwritten annotations by the authors, eg. by Hering in Guiding Symptoms, Boenninghausen in his Repertorium, 1833, Pierre Schmidt in Gibson Miller’s Relationship. Comprehensive literature of the founding period of homeopathy until 1987 in German, English, French, Spanish.
No. books:
No. hom. books: 2,500
No. hom. reports: None
No. vol. hom. per.:
Database name: Excel
Database content: see web site Content expanded annually through digitalization of journals.
Database records:
Search options: Author, title, year of publication
Indexing system:
Last update info: 04/2022
British Homoeopathic Library (Glasgow)
Address: NHS Centre for Integrative Care (formerly Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital), 1053 Great Western Road, Glasgow, G12 0YN, Scotland, UK
Phone: +44 (141) 211 1617
Web site:
Contact person: Isabella Leese
Funded by: Scottish Homoeopathic Research and Education Trust (charity)
Target group: Physicians, homeopathic practitioners, vets, dentists, nurses, students, researchers
Access library: Please phone first
Access fees: Charges apply for mediated searches and document delivery
Borrowing: Yes, by members only
Access database:
Profile: Homeopathic books (19th-20th C), almost all in English; 19th C. homeopathic journals, published in UK; modern homeopathic journals, published worldwide. Also contains Frans Vermuelen’s private collection (list can be downloaded from library’s webpage).
No. books: 3,217
No. hom. books: 3,206
No. hom. reports: 35
No. vol. hom. per.: 1,304
Database name:
Database content:
Database records:
Search options:
Indexing system:
Last update info: 03/2020
Homeopathy UK – Library (collection temporarily in storage)
Address: Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London, WC1H 9BB, UK
Phone: +44 (0) 203 640 5903
Web site:
Contact person: None at present: collection temporarily in storage.
Funded by: Charity funds
Target group: Homeopathic physicians & students, laymen
Access library: Not possible for the moment
Access fees:
Borrowing: Not possible for the moment
Access database: Not possible
Profile: Books from last century & contemporary volumes. Old & new journals. Mostly English, also French
No. books: 1,300
No. hom. books: Almost 1,300
No. hom. reports: None
No. vol. hom. per.: 350 to 400 (not catalogued)
Database name: Smart
Database content: Database records are very primitive at present, showing author, book titles & journal titles. Not yet quite complete.
Database records:
Search options: Author, title.
Indexing system: None at present
Last update info: 05/2023
North West College of Homeopathy
Address: Belmont House, Belmont Street, Stockport SK4 1TG, UK
Phone: +44 (0) 161 731 0148
Web site:
Contact person: Andrene Mills, RSHom
Funded by: The College
Target group: College students, homeopaths
Access library: College weekends
Access fees: None
Borrowing: By agreement
Access database: n/a
Profile: Homeopathy books reference college curriculum
No. books: 350 total
No. hom. books:
No. hom. reports:
No. vol. hom. per.:
Database name: Not available
Database content:
Database records:
Search options:
Indexing system:
Last update info: 03/2023
Address: Admin office: Orchard Leigh, Rodborough Hill, Stroud GL5 3SS, UK
Phone: +44 (0)1453 765 956
Web site:
Contact person: Mani Norland
Funded by: The School of Homeopathy
Target group: Students, Homeopaths
Access library: Students and Homeopaths
Access fees: None
Borrowing: No, reference library only
Access database: Via an Excel document
Profile: Homeopathic books (19th – 20th C), all in English.
No. books: Approx. 1,000
No. hom. books: Approx. 1,000
No. hom. reports: None
No. vol. hom. per.:
Database name: SOH Library Catalogue
Database content: Database records are very primitive at present, showing author, book titles & journal titles. Not yet quite complete.
Database records:
Search options: Author, Title
Indexing system: None
Last update info: 09/2022
Key to the IGHDR
Each page represents one library or documentation centre. The institutions are listed alphabetically according to country and within each country alphabetically by the name of the institution (or by surname in case of personal names).
Name of institution or person in the case of a private library.
Address of institution.
Name of country.
Telephone number, preceded by country code.
Telefax number, preceded by country code.
Electronic mail address.
Web site
Web site address.
Contact person
Name of the contact person of the library/documentation centre. If different from above, the telephone number is given as well.
Financed by
Name of institution, company or private person financing the library/documentation centre.
Target group
Principal users of the library/documentation centre.
Access library
Access to library/documentation centre, e.g. free for everybody, limited to…, by appointment with librarian…
Access fees
Access fees that are applicable within the library/documentation centre.
Borrowing of documents possible, yes or no.
Access data
Access to the data system (library program), e.g. indirectly via librarian, directly via Internet.
General profile, i.e. rough description of the documents in the library/documentation centre.
No. books
Number of all books in the library/documentation centre.
No. hom. books
Number of books concerning homoeopathy in the library/documentation centre.
No. hom. reports
Number of reports and theses concerning homoeopathy in the library/documentation centre.
No. vol. hom. per.
Number of volumes of homoeopathic periodicals. One volume is one title for one year.
Database name
Name of the database or library program the library/documentation centre currently uses.
Database contents
Brief description of the content of the database.
Database records
Number of records in the homoeopathy database.
Search options
Search options in the database, e.g. author, title, key words…
Indexing system
Indexing system used in the library/documentation centre, e.g. self-built thesaurus, commercial available thesaurus, controlled key word list…
Last update info
The last update of the information from that particular library/collection, i.e. date of the last time new/corrected data were passed on to the editor of this Guide.