The mechanism of action of homeopathy is the subject of basic research experiments carried out by biologists, physicists and chemists. Several trials in physics, biology and immunology have shown consistent effects for high dilutions.

Basic science research in homeopathy – information on the website of Homeopathic Research Institute (HRI) – concerns two main areas:

(1) in-vitro or in-vivo biological models of the action of ultra-molecular dilutions and their potential mechanisms of action, including the similia principle (the concept of treating like with like)

More about biological models…

(2) physical research on ultra-molecular dilutions.

More about physical models…

About 100 researchers from different universities and institutes in Europe are working in this domain and are members of the Groupe Internationale de Recherches Infinitisimales (GIRI), an international group of researchers studying the effects of serially agitated high dilutions.