Homeopathy can be used as the treatment of first choice in a wide range of conditions and can be a useful addition, or ‘complement’ in other situations. The following list details for which homeopathy can help.


  • Making sense of health and illness: Observation and reflection
  • Making sense of health and illness: Understanding people and relationships
  • Making sense of health and illness: Causes and courses of disease

Babies and Children

  • Homeopathy for mother and baby
    Homeopathy can help new mothers and common ailments in babies such as teething and colic.
  • Homeopathy for toddlers
    Homeopathy can treat small children for croup, temper tantrums and ENT problems.
  • Homeopathy for school children
    Can be used to combat anxiety in school children and also addresses bullying and aggression.
  • Chronic ENT problems in childhood
    Can address ear nose and throat problems in children, including sore throats, infections and tonsillitis.
  • Hyperactive child – homeopathy can help with severe behavioural problems
    ADHD in children and possible causes of hyperactivity and how homeopathic treatment can help.
  • Asthma
    Homeopathy can help asthma; a variety of homeopathic remedies can be useful.
  • Eczema
    Homeopathy can help eczema in children.

Young people 

  • Homeopathy for teenagers
    Homeopathy can help deal with hormonal changes, period pains and skin problems in teenagers.
  • Is it just a phase they go through?
    Homeopathy can help with unhappiness in children and teenagers, including shyness, irritability and moods.
  • Homeopathy for the 20s and 30s
    Potential conflicts (eg work/home, career/motherhood) for people in their 20s-30s can be helped with homeopathic treatment.


  • Pre-menstrual syndrome
    Homeopathy can be effective in addressing the causes and symptoms of PMS.
  • Fertility problems
    There are number of case studies where homeopathy helped women to conceive.
  • Endometriosis
  • Homeopathy for mother and baby
    Homeopathy can help new mothers and common ailments in babies such as teething and colic.
  • Homeopathy for the 40s and 50s (includes menopause)
  • Menopause
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy – What can we learn from the recent HRT scare?
  • A common problem for women – urinary tract infections
    Homeopathy can help with conditions such as cystitis.
  • Treatment of headaches and migraine


  • The male mid-life crisis
  • The prostate, homeopathy and Sabal Serrulata


  • Homeopathy for arthritis and rheumatism
  • Homeopathy for the over 60s
    Prostate problems, isolation, grief and sleep problems.


  • Addiction – Addictive personalities
  • Sports injuries
    Sports injurie such as muscle cramps, tennis elbow, Achilles tendonitis and painful feet can be treated with homeopathy.

Other Health problems

  • Influenza
    Article addressing the causes of influenza and listing possible homeopathic treatments for the condition. Includes case studies.
  • Cancer – When orthodox medicine has nothing more to offer
  • Circulation
    Various conditions related to the circulatory system including varicose veins, hypertension, angina and heart failure can be helped with homeopathy.
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Digestive disorders
    Various digestive problems including heartburn, dyspepsia and wind
  • Respiratory system
    Including viral infections, influenza, chronic bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia.
  • Hay fever
  • Skin disorders
    Including eczema, psoriasis and acne.
  • Depression