Associate Members are organisations which do not meet the criteria for full membership but nevertheless espouse the aims of ECH. They pay an annual subscription and may participate in discussions but do not normally have voting rights. However, Associated Members are an active part of ECH and many of their members play key roles in ECH Subcommittees and on Council.
- Academia Medico Homeopática Barcelona
- Boiron
- CHE Edicta
- Deutsche Homöopathie-Union
- Dr Reckeweg & Co GmbH
- European Federation of Homeopathic Patients Associations
- Homeopathy UK
- Homresearch (IHAK – Interdisciplinary Homeopathic Working Group)
- Institut für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung
- Institut National Homéopathique Francais – Paris
- International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy
- Laboratoire Homeopathique D. Schmidt-Nagel SA
- Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Veterinärmedizinische Homöopathie (ÖGVH)
- Pharahom
- Polskie Towarzystwo Homeopatyczne
- Samuel Hahnemann Stiftung
- Slovensko Farmacevtsko Društvo
- Societa Omeopatica Veronese
- Universität Witten/Herdecke
- Vithoulkas Compass