Homeopathic practice

In France the practice of homeopathy is only allowed to medical doctors. Under Articles L 372 through L 376 of the Code of Public Health, persons other than licensed allopathic physicians who habitually or continuously diagnose or treat illnesses, real or supposed, or who perform activities constituting medical procedures are illegally practising medicine.

The Ordre National des Médécins (National Medical Council) in their report of 27 February 1997 (Lebatard-Sartre report) recognised homeopathy as a medical therapeutic method and recommended the creation of a Diplôme Inter-Universitaire (DIU) of homeopathy.

Currently, General Practitioners (GPs) who have taken additional training in homeopathy are allowed to use the qualification “orientation homéopathie”.

Homeopathic medicines
Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use, which includes homeopathic medicinal products, has been implemented by adoption of the Loi n° 2007-248 du 26 février 2007 portant diverses dispositions d’adaptation au droit communautaire dans le domaine du médicament (Law no 2007-248 of 26 February 2007), which amended the Code de la Santé Publique.

Member Associations in France

Syndicat National des Médecins Homéopathes Français
(National Union of French Homeopathic Physicians)
79, rue de Tocqueville
75017 Paris
tel.: +33-1-44290131
e-mail: snmhf@club-internet.fr

Fédération Française des Médecins Homéopathes Classiques
(French Federation of Physicians in Classical Homeopathy)
Les Hespérides, bât. D 12, avenue Louis Coirard
13090 Aix-en-Provence
tel.: +33-4-42
e-mail: homeo@club-internet.fr
alternative e-mail: alac-pinet@club-internet.fr

Société Savante d’Homeopathie
79, Rue de Tocqueville
75017 Paris
email: ssh.ssh@club-internet.fr

ECH accredited teaching centre(s) in France

Institut National Homéopathique Français
60, rue Saint Lazare
75009 Paris
tel.: +33-1-40165599
e-mail: inhf-paris@nerim.net