Homeopathic practice

On 29 September 2009 the Committee on Health and Consumer Affairs of the Spanish Parliament unanimously adopted a bill that recognises homeopathy as a medical act. It urges the government to “take the measures necessary for the exercise of homeopathy exclusively by graduates in medicine and surgery.”

On 17 December 2009 the Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Médicos (Spanish Medical Council) adopted a resolution that recognised the practice of homeopathy as a medical act.

Homeopathic medicines
Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use, which includes homeopathic medicinal products, was transposed into the was transposed into the Royal Legal Decree 1/2015 of 24 July (http://noticias.juridicas.com/base_datos/Admin/r2-557168-rdleg-1-2015-de-24-jul-aprueba-el-tr-de-la-ley-de-garantias-y-uso-racional.html), which is in force since 31 July 2018.

Member Associations in Spain

Federación Española de Médicos Homeópatas
(Spanish Federation of Homeopathic Physicians)
C/ Astorias, 8 – 3ºD
33004 Oviedo (Asturias)
tel.: +34-985 17 2333
e-mail: fbautista@femh.org

Academia Medico Homeopatica de Barcelona
(Medical Homeopathic Academy of Barcelona)
Aragó 186, 2  1
08011 Barcelona
tel.: +34-93-3234836
e-mail: amhb@amhb.org

ECH accredited teaching centre(s) in Spain

Academia Medico Homeopatica de Barcelona
Aragó 186, 2 1
08011 Barcelona
tel.: +34-93-3234836
e-mail: amhb@amhb.org