Homeopathic practice
As from 1 January 2004 the practice of homeopathy and other CAM therapies has been recognised by the Law on alternative treatment of disease, Lov om alternativ behandling av sykdom mv (LAW-2003-06-27-64).
The law aims to promote safety for patients who seek or receive CAM treatment and to regulate the right to provide such care. It applies to anyone who provides this kind of treatment. The regulation recognises that alternative treatment can be provided by both medical and non-medical professionals and within or outside of health services.
There is a voluntary registration scheme for health professionals and others who practise CAM therapies.
Treatment of serious diseases and conditions as well as communicable diseases that can be hazardous to public health is only allowed to health professionals such as medical doctors. Other individuals are allowed to provide care that is exclusively intended to palliate or reduce symptoms or consequences of diseases or side-effects of treatment given, or when the purpose is to enhance the body’s immune system or ability to heal itself.
Homeopathy is mainly practised by non-medically qualified practitioners. There are a few medical doctors practising homeopathy.
EU legislation does not apply to Norway, because it is not a member of the European Union. Homeopathic medicines are defined as medicines under Norwegian law by the Statens legemiddelverk (SLV) – Norwegian Medicines Agency.