Homeopathic Practice

Homeopathy, nor any other CAM treatment is regulated or restricted in Ireland. Consequently, both medically and non-medically qualified professionals are allowed to practise CAM including homeopathy. However, only medically qualified practitioners with a university degree in medicine are recognised as regulated health professionals.

The Medical Practitioners Act 25/2007 stipulates that medical personnel must be registered in the General Register of Medical Practitioners. Although medical doctors do not have a legal monopoly on medical practice, they have some exclusive rights. Only those who are registered as doctors are permitted to treat venereal diseases, practise obstetrics, certify death, issue medical certificates for official purposes, prescribe a wide range of controlled drugs, give advice in court on specific issues, supply services to police for alcohol-linked traffic offences, and administer anaesthetics.

Irish legislation provides no official status for homeopathy, but regulation of CAM practice, including homeopathy, is underway.

Some medical doctors are trained in homeopathy and apply it in their practice. Homeopathy is mainly practised by non-medically qualified practitioners.

Homeopathic Medicines
Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use, which includes homeopathic medicinal products, has been transposed into Irish Law as Statutory instrument No 540 of 2007, Medicinal Products (Control of Placing on the Market) Regulations 200755.