On 27 April the Turkish Classical Homeopathy Association “Klasik Homeopati Derneği”, the European Committee for Homeopathy (ECH) and the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) jointly organised the Celebration of the International Homeopathy Day 2012 to promote public and medical community’s awareness of homeopathy in Turkey.
The Symposium, held in Izmir, brought together important international and Turkish stakeholders to exchange information about

  • the homeopathic medical doctrine
  • the current legal framework of medical doctors practising homeopathy in all continents
  • its contribution to European and worldwide healthcare systems, as well as the current status of homeopathy in Turkey and the possibilities of its further development and its integration into Turkish healthcare system.

The meeting was moderated by Dr Altunay Ağaoğlu (Vice-President of Turkish Classical Homeopathy Association and LMHI NVP for Turkey) with the attendance of executives of the Turkish Classical Homeopathy Association including Dr Gamze Arpaci (General Secretary) and Pharm. Leon Aruh (Treasurer).

Dr Levent Buda, President of the Turkish Classical Homeopathy Association, informed the audience about the framework of homeopathy as a complementary medicine and the recent regulations in Turkey. Dr Galassi, LMHI Vice-President, gave a presentation on homeopathy during the process of healing.turkey

The symposium continued with speeches given by Dr Jose Matuk Kanan, LMHI President, on homeopathy in the world and the LHMI, and Dr Ton Nicolai, ECH President, on homeopathy in European healthcare systems and about its effectiveness and cost effectiveness.

Since the majority of the audience were medical professionals (medical doctors, dentists, vets and pharmacists) it was of exceptional importance for them to be properly informed about homeopathy, its achievements over the last 200 years, and its current contribution to modern health care systems.

The Symposium programme continued with a presentation on homeopathy as a complementary medicine in cancer patients given by Dr Canfeza Sezgin, medical oncologist from the Medical Faculty of the Egean University and another presentation on homeopathy in veterinary practice in Turkey given by veterinarian Turkan Evran.

Meeting with health authorities

The day before the International Homeopathy Day, executives of the Turkish Classical Homeopathy Association “Klasik Homeopati Derneği”, the European Committee for Homeopathy (ECH) and the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) had a meeting with Dr Zafer Kalayci, the Head of Complementary Medicine Department under General Directorate of Primary Health Care at the Turkish Ministry of Health in Ankara.

Participants were Dr Levent Buda (KHD President), Dr Altunay Ağaoğlu (KHD Vice-President), Dr Gamze Arpaci (KHD General Secretary), Pharm. Leon Aruh (KHD Treasurer), Dr José Matuk Kanan (LMHI President), Dr Renzo Galassi (LMHI Vice-President), Dr Ton Nicolai (ECH President).

The objective of the meeting was the new regulations on Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Turkey. Homeopathy is one of the CAM disciplines and its practice will be only allowed to medical doctors in Turkey. Mr Kalaycı announced that the regulatory framework of CAM is in the works and they will prepare a specific regulation for homeopathy. KHD would be happy to be of any assistance in this process as a consultant if needed.

After the session, the group had a lunch meeting with Dr Zafer Kalayci as well as with Vice-President of General Directorate of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacy of the Turkish Health Ministry, Pharm. Guven Artıran and Pharm. Asli Can Agca. The Directorate is intending to regulate homeopathic medicinal products in Turkey and interested in the existing regulations in the European Union (HMPWG, European Pharmacopoeia, etc.).