This section contains publications from the 25th Anniversary Meeting of the European Committee for Homeopathy, at the NH Hotel, Bruges. This took place on 14 November 2015.

CAMbrella and the next research steps to achieve a robust knowledge base for homeopathy in Europe.

Ton Nicolai, EUROCAM spokesman/coordinator, gave a presentation on EU Networking at the ECH 25th Anniversary.


Dr. Annette Altenpohl, of the Austrian Standards Institute, gave a presentation on “Raising the Standards in European Homeopathy,” discussing current standards and regulations, and procedures for achieving standardisation.


EPI-3 Scientific Committee expert, Prof Gerard Duru, presented details of the EPI-3 programme, aiming to:

1) assess the role played in France by homeopathy in primary care and its public health interest;
2) describe and compare patients according to the practices (allopathic, homeopathic or mixed) selected by their general practitioners; and
3) assess the impact over one year of the various methods of treatment in three pathology groups representing a very important part of consultations in primary care:

Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD)
Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI) and
Sleep disorders, Anxiety and Depression (SAD).